Having a remote car starter can come in handy, especially when you live somewhere with unpredictable weather and long winters. This little gadget can make your life easier and provide you with comfort on the days you really need it.
Here is a list of things you should know if you are considering having a remote car starter installed.
Will the installation of a car starter void my warranty?
If done properly, no. That’s not to say the dealer won’t try to blame the starter install so they can bill at the full shop rate and not the manufacturer’s warranty rate. As a rule, first check with the shop that installed the starter if you have a problem. Competent installers can fix problems related to a remote starter in under an hour. Dealer mechanics are paid by the job so time is never an issue provided someone is paying.
Can I install it myself or do I need to go to a professional?
Remote car starters are quite complex so it is best to go to a professional to make sure the job is done properly. Having a friend do it or attempting to install it yourself can present problems because of how complicated the software, wiring and system can be. Don’t take any chances and get your starter installed by a professional to ensure perfection.
How long does it take to have the remote car starter installed?
While this can vary from place to place, typically the installation process can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a full day. It all depends on the type of vehicle so the duration of the process will be different for each customer.
Is car theft an issue if I use a remote car starter?
Many people think that their car will be stolen if they use this device. The good news is that you can eliminate this fear because your vehicle can remain locked while the car is running so long as you locked it when you last existed and turned off the car. A valid key will also still be required to drive the vehicle.
What do I need to bring to have a remote car starter installed?
Besides an appointment, you will need to bring all of the keys associated to that vehicle. Some shops may require more than one key so bring them both to avoid any problems or delays. You should also bring any other remotes you have, if any. All of this will help the programming process run faster.
These are just some of the most commonly asked questions regarding remote car starters. If you have any additional questions or feel ready to say goodbye to those cold, awful mornings, contact Cobra Car & Truck and see what you’ve been missing! Their professional staff can help you eliminate some of your winter frustrations and their experience will have you on the road with a smile on your face in no time!